What is Animal Health Center Up To Now?
If you have been to our clinic or driven by you might have noticed that we are doing some construction on our building. People keep asking "What are you guys doing now?"
You may or may not know that we have a couple rescues in our area that save dumped, neglected animals. They have done a wonderful job of lowering the population of stray animals. We are trying to do our part by helping to treat them for their medical needs. We want to help these animals however, we want to keep our patients safe and well. Since the time the clinic opened in 1994 we have had a isolation area. This is a separate area away from the animals who are at our facility. It can only hold four animals at a time. The large volume of rescue dogs that we treat has made this a problem. In order to help more rescue dogs we are expanding this isolation area. We will be able to keep sick animals separate from un-vetted stray animals. We are always looking for ways to help the animals in our community.
You might notice that it has an upstairs. In 2010, Dr. Williams realized that he needed someone to do his book keeping so he could concentrate on helping animals. So he hired Melissa Ensor to fill this much needed position. The space that she has been working was inadequate when she started but now she reached maximum capacity. So to make good use of space we have created an office space just for her. She will be able to do an even better job than she already does.
Our goal for 2016 is to continue to provide the best, most up to date veterinary services and to take care of your pets as if they are our very own.